Psychedelics + West Memphis ~ Sunday Lunch Show
Psychedelics + West Memphis ~ Sunday Lunch Show
Code One Presents..

Psychedelics + West Memphis ~ Sunday Lunch Show

Brass Monkey (Cronulla, NSW)
Sunday, 27 July 2025 12:30 pm
137 days away
18 Plus

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Venue opens 12.30pm / Music starts Approx 1.30pm / Please book carefully as no refunds or exchanges / Price is per person & a barcoded ticket each will be issued / Contact: / Menu:
Meal & Show - Table of 2 - 18+
{{ requestedInventory['d5ab40fb-6ac1-4af9-8968-bddaf90ce155'] }}
Meal & Show - Table for 3 - 4 - 18+
{{ requestedInventory['fca22712-007d-49be-8d4b-036bcf5d403a'] }}
Meal & Show - Table for 5-8 / 18+
{{ requestedInventory['2de61b29-2d6b-4354-b58c-7eaa9e0f7034'] }}
Meal & Show - Bench Seating - 18+
Seating along the bar on high back stools - Stage view will be unobstructed
{{ requestedInventory['45f588d7-a89b-424f-b89a-ad59b48722ef'] }}
Show Only - No Seating Provided - 18+
{{ requestedInventory['85ca9fcf-29b3-4d98-8a9f-f9cbcc875212'] }}
The Psychedelics and West Memphis bring two distinct yet equally electrifying live music experiences to the Monkey!

The Psychedelics revive the mind-blowing sounds of the ‘60s and ‘70s, covering legends like The Doors, Hendrix, Cream, Led Zeppelin, and more, with an immersive psychedelic stage setup.

West Memphis delivers the soulful sounds of Rock and Soul, featuring classics from Ray Charles, Etta James, Johnny Cash, and Creedence, performed 100% live with powerhouse vocals and harmonies along with dynamic musicianship.

These bands offer unforgettable shows with unique setlists and top-tier sound. Book now for a Sunday afternoon of legendary music!