Jayne Denham
Jayne Denham
Code One presents..

Jayne Denham

Brass Monkey (Cronulla, NSW)
Thursday, 15 May 2025 6:30 pm
62 days away
18 Plus

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Venue opens 6.30pm / Music starts Approx 7.30pm / Please book carefully as no refunds or exchanges / Price is per person & a barcoded ticket each will be issued / For Info & Enquiries Contact: brassmonkeycronulla@gmail.com / Menu: www.brassmonkey.com.au/menu
Dinner & Show - Table for 2 - 18+
{{ requestedInventory['c1a0c018-07a0-41f9-b314-8112ca6c4a7c'] }}
Dinner & Show - Table for 3 - 4 - 18+
{{ requestedInventory['b1af8e10-79be-415d-a635-ecb4982155ab'] }}
Dinner & Show - Table for 5-8 / 18+
{{ requestedInventory['005d1599-3262-4b0b-89c3-8038c5e47e0c'] }}
Dinner & Show - Bench Seating - 18+
Seating along the bar on high back stools - Stage view will be unobstructed
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Show Only - No Seating Provided - 18+
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Five-time Golden Guitar nominee Jayne Denham is one of Australia's top country rock performers. Her fifth album, WANTED, reached No. 1 on the ARIA Australian Country Album Chart, hailed as a country rock journey with a western flare. Denham has achieved five No. 1 hits in Australia, six Top 10 songs, 12 Top 30 videos, and six CMC nominations. Three of her music videos have gone No. 1 on CMT , including "Car Trouble," "Hung Up On You," and "Addicted to the Diesel.” She has performed at major festivals such as CMC Rocks, Gympie Muster, and Tamworth Country Music Festival.

Her album Moonshine featured Colt Ford and landed at No. 1 on ARIA Top 20 Australian Country Albums. Jayne's recent singles, "Stunt Double" and "Lovin’ A Wild Thing," have also achieved significant chart success.