Queen! A Very Gay Tribute Show!
Queen! A Very Gay Tribute Show!
Code One presents ..

Queen! A Very Gay Tribute Show!

Paddo RSL (Paddington, NSW)
Friday, 13 June 2025 7:30 pm
73 days away
18 Plus

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Enjoy a great meal at our Happy Soul Bistro from 5pm + Club priced drinks! Auditorium doors open at 7.30pm & the music will start approximately 8.30pm
18+ General Admission
The venue will be set up in Cabaret Mode with unreserved tables & chairs on the Top Level and standing room on the Lower
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Get ready to rock out with your frock out at Paddo RSL for the sensational ‘Queen! A Very Gay Tribute Show!’. Featuring the extraordinary talents of local drag queen Calamity James as the iconic Freddie Mercury.

Don’t miss this electrifying night of Queen’s greatest hits, unforgettable performances, and dazzling showmanship. Be there for a night to remember!

Don’t Forget! This tribute show is a rock show! We want to see you dress up in your best rock inspired outfits, be it Freddie or another favourite band, we want to see you ready to rock out! We also invite you to sing and dance along at your seat if you want! It’s time to party!